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VMWare Unity – The ultimate virtualization?

1 minute read

Would it not be cool to have two operating systems interweaved in the same machine in a seamless manner? What if you could be running Ubuntu and alongside wi...

What’s hot?

1 minute read

I am certainly not. My life’s about to get shaken up a little and I am going from idleness to a rather busy period, or so I believe.

GMail has a new security flaw

1 minute read

That’s right folks GMail has a massive security hole which, to the extent of my knowledge, remains unpatched. Aibek at has thoroughly ...

Apple’s quality center puts the B in Dumn

less than 1 minute read

No, it’s not a typo at all. Apparently, Apple forgot the “B” key in their new Macbook laptops. So much for your high quality standards Steve Jobs…

Windows 7 goes official

less than 1 minute read

That’s right, this will after all be the official name of the next Windows version. According to Mike Nash on the Windows Vista blog, Microsoft is sticking w...

A personal view at Firefox vs. Chrome

10 minute read

So, really, now that the hype is over, what is the browser of choice? Well, the out of the box answer for me is Firefox but let’s have a deeper look...

MSP Team Building 2009

1 minute read

First off, my apologies for having gone for so long without posting anything, but the truth is that I have been too busy to think about my blog. I have ha...

Solid State Musical Tesla Coil

1 minute read

Ok, so this isn’t much in concordance with what I have posted before but hey, it is still technology at its peak and I loved the concept. For t...

Google Chrome Released

1 minute read

Here it is, the browser made by the guys at Google. First things first, and a thank you to Pedro Sousa is due for having brought this to my attention as I...

My First MSP Experience

1 minute read

Here I am again, this time writing about my first experience as a Microsoft Student Partner, or at least as an MSP-to-be 😛 .

Stargate Atlantis comes to an end…

2 minute read

Those of you who know me well, know that I am an avid fan of everything that is Stargate related. Yes, I watched the whole 10 seasons of Stargate SG-1 and...

Microsoft Student Partner – The Outcome

less than 1 minute read

Well, I could not have better news today: I was accepted into Microsoft’s Student Partner Program! Out of the initial 30 students who had been calle...

AMD acts, Intel reacts: Atom Dual-Core

1 minute read

So on my last blog post I mentioned how AMD isn’t sleeping, and how it had released a low-power version of their Athlon64 CPU, the 2000+ to go head-...