less than 1 minute read

As per my previous coverage of the Apple event where several new iPods and a new iTunes was announced, I’m making this post so that iPad owners can sigh with relief regarding the iOS. Yes, we will get an update, yes it will have multi-tasking and make the iPad (even more) awesome.

Read on to get all the juicy details…We will have to wait until November 2010 unfortunately but I’d say it’s a wait well worth. In the meanwhile, the current iPhones (except those for which support has been discontinued) will get the 4.1 update immediately which will, amongst other things, fix the proximity sensor issue in the iPhone 4, introduce a new revision of Safari and finally, users will be able to disable the spell checker. As a Portuguese who owns an iPad without a Portuguese spell checker, this comes as a blessing. No, Apple, I don’t want you to spell check my Portuguese text with an English spell checker.
