less than 1 minute read

Admittedly I’m not the most avid blogger there is. Nonetheless, I keep this blog up and running just for the sake of it. This blog has been alive since 2008 (that’s 8 years already!) and since then a lot has changed — this blog hasn’t escaped the wave of change either.

So here’s my committment to 2017: BLOG MORE!

Shorter blog posts, blogging about technologies that I love, and keeping a track of what I’m working on.

2016 has been marked mostly by a realization: my time is extremely limited! But writing about things is as important as making them, especially so in the world of technology.

Cheers to a better 2017! And expect some blog posts coming up on Clojure, and maybe Scala.

Haven’t you heard? I’m in love with functional programming 😉.

