2 minute read

‘Times are a changing’ – nowadays more than ever this is true. Companies and individuals rely more and more on the Internet and let’s be honest: the Internet is not a safe place, not by a slim chance. I’m not even talking about viruses, which on their own are a pretty big threat. What I am going on about are hackers. You know, the evil guys who want all your money and your credit card numbers.

Don’t take it personally, no hacker has a grudge especially against you or your company, but unless you take preemptive measures to be on the front line, then you are at risk. There is a chance that you are at risk right now. This is the sort of thing where you cannot possibly think “this only happens to other people” – well, think again, it happened to electrical power plants in the US.

Are you convinced that you need to do something about it yet? I hope you are.

So what’s the whole idea you ask? Well, the idea is being ahead of the hackers, it is thinking like an hacker so that you can be preemptive and patch the holes in your organization. Do you know how store-owners set up motion sensors near windows that can easily be broken? The idea here is just the same.

This concept is called ethical hacking. You are taught on the ways, tricks and subterfuges of hackers so that you can have a different insight on your company. Believe it or not, but the biggest flaw in computer systems is actually us, the users. We are easily duped and deceived by people pretending to be who they aren’t, and this has reached astronomical levels. The most blatant case nowadays is when you get an e-mail that pretends to be a legitimate e-mail from your bank, from a work-mate or simply people who would be innocently sending you pictures.

Well my fellow Internauts, no enough care is much care these days. The EC-Council provides you with the security training that you need not only to help yourself and your company, but also to help other companies. This of course is an investment that can get a return flowing in so in the end, it is all benefits! This isn’t all; if you are trained in IT Security, your job opportunities simply tenfold. Is that not what everyone wants at a time of recession and crisis?

The iClass by the EC-Council has the following categories:

-Security Fundamentals

-Ethical Hacking 

-Penetration Testing 

-Computer Forensics

-Disaster Recovery 

-Secure Programming

So whether you are a newbie (hey, there’s no shame about that!) and you need the fundamentals, or whether you fancy a job at a crime lab doing scientific forensics for a living, the iClass covers it all. You just take your pick!

If you are interested, and here’s hoping that you won’t miss this great opportunity, then here are some links that will help you on the EC-Council site.

Program Site:


Different Certifications:


The CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) :


Certification Center:




IT Security


